Communications ResoVerneuil à l’EHSF 2022
ResoVerneuil a présenté 4 communications orales, et 2 posters à la 11ème CONFERENCE of the European Hidradenitis Suppurativa Foundation.
Communications orales
- Profile of patients operated for hidradenitis suppurativa in France in 2021 Anne C. Ezanno, Pierre André Bécherel, Philippe Guillem, GEM Resoverneuil
- Surgery in hidradenitis suppurativa through the prism of published guidelines Anne-Cécile Ezanno, Anne-Claire Fougerousse, Pierre-André Bécherel, François Maccari, Ziad Reguiai, Philippe Guillem on behalf of the GEM ResoVerneuil
- Impact of surgery in hidradenitis suppurativa: results of a prospective French multicenter study Anne C. Ezanno Pierre André Becherel, Philippe GUILLEM, GEM ResoVerneuil
- Hidradenitis suppurativa in patients with pilonidal sinus disease: development and internal validation of a risk calculator Farida Benhadou, Axel Villani, Virginie Vlaeminck-Guillem, Philippe Guillem
- Successful treatment with high dosage infliximab after failure of IL17 inhibitors: a series of 12 hidradenitis suppurativa’s patients A.-C. Fougerousse, P.-A. Bécherel, on behalf of the GEM ResoVerneuil
- Intrafamily concealing for hidradenitis suppurativa(hs): what can we learn from intrafamily variability? Virginie VLAEMINCK-GUILLEM, Philippe GUILLEM
Auteurs : Dr Anne-Claire Fougerousse, Dermatologue, praticien hospitalier Hôpital Bégin Saint Mandé (94) et Dr Pierre-André Becherel, dermatologue à l’hôpital privé d’Antony (92)